I’m a huge advocate of wearing a work apron. If your not the one in your household that usually does the laundry, wearing an apron is that much more important, especially if your tasks are dirty and/or greasy.
Aprons are relatively easy to make, and are a great beginners sewing machine project. As a public service, and because I practice what I preach, Here’s my pattern (with some instructions right on the page) for the aprons I make and use.

Materials required:
1 yard of 10 ounce cotton duck fabric
Approximately 4 yards of 1/2 inch finished width double fold bias binding tape.
Enough 1 inch wide nylon webbing for your waist strap (allow some extra for adjusters
Webbing hardware of your choice.
As for the pattern itself, I’ve been asked how to lay out the curve evenly. What I do is cut the 33×23 inch panel, then fold it in half lengthwise and pin it together opposite the fold. Measure up from the bottom 23 inches and make a mark. At the top of the material, measure 4 1/2 inches from the fold and make a mark. Use your fabric marker and sketch your curve freehand, or use a French curve to lay it out on one side of the material. Once you’re happy with the way your curve looks, cut both sides at the same time. Easy Peasy! Sew 1/2 inch binding around the entire perimeter of the apron body. Create your pocket to a size you like (I make mine a little over sized to fit my cell phone) and use binding tape around the perimeter as well. I center my pocket on the upper portion of my apron, but place it high enough so the pocket stays above the break of my waist when I’m sitting so my phone is easy to access. Feel free to add as many pockets as you want. Two rows of stitching will ensure your pocket stays attached!
There you go, a simple and relatively inexpensive, fun, and practical, sewing project.
Save your clothes, wear an apron!
Thank you for posting this!