Author: Bob

My 201K3

It’s been about a year since I had my own “personal” Singer 201 in my arsenal. I gave my last personal one to my daughter in law Christine (and that machine is one of the finest stitching 201-2’s I’ve ever seen), when I moved on to using a Singer 1200-1. Now those in the know […]

Work Aprons

I’m a huge advocate of wearing a work apron. If your not the one in your household that usually does the laundry, wearing an apron is that much more important, especially if your tasks are dirty and/or greasy. Aprons are relatively easy to make, and are a great beginners sewing machine project. As a public […]

Featherweight Day!

My wife Liz and I are the District Directors of New Jersey Gold Wing Road Riders Association, an international motorcycling group whose motto is “Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge”. A lot of our members are quilters, and when some of them from Chapter NJ-D asked if I would put on a “Featherweight Day” to […]

No Better Feeling

There really is no better feeling than when you can make someone happy. The Singer 66 you see here was shipped to me by a customer from Atlanta. It was gone from her home for exactly two weeks, including round trip transit time. Like all my customers, I kept her informed as to the progress […]